
Flood-Resistant Landscaping Solutions

If you live in an area that sees quite a bit of stormy weather in the winter months, planning out your landscaping to handle this is key. Both planting for rain and runoff and planning your yard to help redirect flooding can help you get through the winter months. Here are four flood-resistant landscaping solutions you can incorporate in your yard. 1. Redirecting Water Runoff If a stream forms through your yard when it rains, you might feel like you are fighting a losing battle. Read More 

Keep Your Backyard Slope From Being An Uphill Battle

Do you have to contend with a slope in your yard's landscaping design? While slopes present some unique challenges, they can be managed and even provide a place for some creativity and beauty. How can you do so?   First Things First The biggest threat to your slope and its surroundings is from water. This threat comes from two opposite sides: the binding effect of water and its liquidizing effect. To counter both, you must first have good drainage built into your slope. Read More 

Making The Most Of Your Tiny Home With Well-Designed Landscaping

If you enjoy entertaining or frequently have guests, a tiny home may present challenges that cramp your social life. Consider optimizing the area outside your tiny house, to extend your living space into the great outdoors, weather permitting. You will find that you enjoy the simplicity of hanging out in your yard, on your patio, or on the roof, is even more satisfying with some simple landscaping strategies. Optimize your tiny home's exteriors with the following landscaping suggestions: Read More 

Crossing The Boundaries: What To Do If Property Lines Are Blurred

Everything is good in the neighborhood, and then the folks next door build a new garage on what you believe is your property. What do you do?  Actually, you have several options; and some are less painful than others. Things can be worked out, but you will need to take some sort of action. Talk Things Over If you have a good relationship with your neighbors, grab a copy of your deed and go talk to them. Read More 

Yellowing Hibiscus? 3 Reasons Why Your Hibiscus May Not Be Doing So Well

A popular species for outdoor landscapes, patios and sun rooms alike, the hibiscus is a tropical plant known for its very large, brightly colored flowers. While most people learn to grow hibiscus successfully, it is a rather delicate plant that is more susceptible to certain environmental influences than other plant species. For this reason, it may require a bit more care than other plants in your landscape.  If your hibiscus is green and producing blooms like crazy, it is healthy and happy. Read More