Give Them A Good Headstart: Why You Need To Hire An Arborist For Your New Trees

Spring may be a few months away, but if you're planning to make some changes to your landscaping, now's the time to put your team together. Your landscaping team should consist of professionals that can give your yard the strong foundation it needs for spring start-up. If you plan to add a few trees to your yard, an arborist should be at the top of the list for your landscape team. If you're not sure why you need to hire an arborist, read the list provided below. You'll find four important benefits that an arborist can provide you with this spring. 

They Can Care for Your Existing Trees

If you have existing trees and they're enduring a bitterly cold winter, they'll need some extra attention once spring arrives. If you hire an arborist to help you plan for your new trees, they can also help you get your existing trees ready for spring. This can include aerating the roots, pruning the branches, and providing the initial fertilizer for spring growth. This is a good way to establish a healthy growth pattern for your existing trees this spring. 

They Can Help You Select the Right Trees

If you've decided to plant new trees on your property this spring, but you're not sure what type you should choose, now's the time to hire an arborist. You might think that you can choose your new trees on your own, but that's not necessarily the case. In fact, without professional assistance, you might choose the wrong trees for your property. An arborist can help you choose the right trees based on the region where you live, the type of soil you have on your property, and the amount of sun your trees will receive. They can also help you choose between deciduous, conifer, and fruit-bearing trees. 

They Can Ensure Proper Planting Procedures

If your spring plans include adding a few new trees to your property, you'll want to make sure that they're planted properly. If you've never planted trees before, you might make mistakes. Unfortunately, these mistakes could jeopardize the health of your trees. For instance, you might not plant them deep enough, or you might forget to ensure proper drainage. That's why you need to hire an arborist to plant your trees. Your arborist will ensure that your trees are planted for maximum health benefits. 

They Can Provide You With Tree Care Instructions

Finally, if you're not sure how to care for your new trees once they're planted, it's a good idea to hire an arborist. One of the great things about hiring an arborist is that they'll provide you with detailed care instructions for your new trees. You can even arrange to have continued tree care provided by your arborist.

For more information, contact an arborist for hire in your area.
