4 Classic Woodworking Projects To Get You Started Working With Wood

Woodworking has been done for hundreds of years, and there are many hand tools that can still be used today to start with woodworking projects. If you want to start doing your own woodworking projects, making some basic tools and objects is a great start to this rewarding hobby. Here are four simple projects that you can do to get started with woodworking and making wonderful wooden objects:

1. Building Your Own Workbench

If you want to have more for your woodworking hobby, a good carpenter´s bench is a universal tool that you can use for many different tasks. There are many different types of workbenches or banks; they can be just a solid lumber table with a couple of clamps, or they can be a complete table with shelving, drawers and attachments for tools like saws. You may want to get started with a solid lumber table with four legs, and add to it as you need things. All carpenter´s tables need to have a couple of clamps, and maybe even some peg holes to make working with wood easier.

2. Arbors For The Garden

Arbors can be a great addition to gardens or patio areas; providing you with shade and privacy. They are also simple to build. You will just need to set posts and add beams to the arbors which, with a few radius cuts on the ends, will look more decorative. The joists are what provide the shade, and should have decorative cuts. The joists can provide you with more shade if you use more lumber and keep them closer together; for less shade, you can space them further apart.  This can be 12 inches apart for more shade, or 24 inches apart for less shade.

3. Simple, Elegant Birdhouses

Birdhouses are another simple woodworking project that you can do. This can be done by cutting 8 narrow pieces of plywood with a 22½-degree beveled cut, which is a 5-and-12 angle cut using a speed square. Use these pieces to make an octagon, which will be the body of the birdhouse. Now, cut eight pieces in triangles with the bottom the same size as the other pieces, which making the center of the triangle will give you a higher pitch. These will be the roof pieces. You can make the bottom of the triangles wider to have an eave on the birdhouse, but they should always be the same size. Glue the body together, and trace a piece for the floor of the house. Then you can add the roof pieces, drill holes with a hole drill and add all the finishing touches like paint, perches and other features want to add.

4. Planters For Porches, Patios And Windows

Planters can also be simple to make; all you need is a few pieces of lumber. You can cut two pieces with a slight angle the width of the lumber you are using, and then use three pieces to make the bottom, front and back of the planter. You can make the planter larger by using the same design, but with two pieces of lumber jointed together, which can be good for larger planters in gardens or on patios. When building wood planters, it is a good idea to line the interior with plastic to make them last longer.

These are some things that you can do to create your own woodworking projects and start a new hobby. If you need materials to get started, contact a lumber supplier like Condon Maurice L CO INC Lumber to get the materials you need.
